Forever Young

воскресенье, 27 августа 2017 г.

Things I could buy in September .. ;)

September....Autumn is here... Gosh, we have so little sun here in Russia.... And especially this year it was here by the middle July only! Its so not fair!! But... Autumn is ... crispy leaves, hots cocoa, cosy sweaters ;)

1. Ekonika shoes.

2.  YSL Top Secrets illuminating cleanser water-in-foam.

четверг, 7 января 2016 г.

People, travel the world. Don't be afraid to come out of your comfort zone "school-university-job-marriage-kids". All will come just in time. Don't be afraid to see yourself from a different angle, in a different situation, in the middle of strange new city... Fly for dinner to Beijing, movie to Los-Angeles, stroll along channels to Paris. Get to know new people, fall in love, go apart to meet again... Life is so amazing, world is so diverse...and way from your house to job takes only 10 minutes.. How boring it must be and how early you got so old!!!! 🤘🛬 #remembertotravel #travel #seetheworldlazy #worldisaniceplace #noteverywherepeoplemeanlikeinrussia

вторник, 10 ноября 2015 г.

the trick is that we were insanely happy only at that particular point in the past. at the particular age, in the particular state of mind. and it cant be returned. we used to be that happy because we saw some particular continuation

вторник, 30 июня 2015 г.

Когда перестаешь думать , что ты не просто зритель перед экраном , на котором показывают чьи-то реальные жизни, а что ты тоже участвуешь в истории о чем-то прекрасном .. Когда несмело догадываешься , насколько ваша химия действительна , а лав-стори самая особенная